Thursday, September 13, 2007

Almost normal...

I am... I suppose.

First an update on my dad... he didn't have a stroke. It was some sort of seizure. That's all I know - but he is doing better.

That's a relief... I can almost relax now.

I finally got around to doing laundry today -

I'm sick... Big Brother sucks this season... Can we not let either of them win? I won't reveal who they are because I am on the East Coast...

I went to Trader Joe's on the way home from the studio today.. the line was crazy... but they did have the horseradish hummus that I like so much (and you can't find in Seattle).. so I didn't mind too much.

Now if I was more social I could go out.. but I'm not so I am watching television. Surprise, surprise!

This is the corn I ate for lunch yesterday... it was good.

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