Wednesday, January 06, 2010

The only thing is...

I just realized this morning that I only have a month until I leave for Chicago. I think I should probably update my resume and images... don't you think? I have an idea that this will most likely just end up being a vacation type trip - but that's okay.

Work has been crazy the past few days... I think I'm ready for the weekend already.

I'm not going to complain though... my days are full and I don't have a lot of downtime... I think that's better than being bored.

I actually found a parking spot right off the bat at the gym last night... that was nice. I'm thinking that it won't be so bad.... (just wait, tonight it will be crazy...). In related news for the past two days the wii fit has said I'm in the normal weight range... maybe with my luck it will be three days in a row. I guess I will go and find out....

The saga continues...

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