Thursday, February 16, 2012


I have been charged with the task at work to find a moving company to move boxes THIS WEEKEND.

Finding a moving company shouldn't usually be a problem, but finding one last minute for a weekend is a little bit stressful...  I will manage though...

I was just thinking that this has been an extremely long week and then it hit me that It's a three day weekend.  That explains it all.

I won't spend too much time telling you about my mundane life.... here are the highlights of the past 24 hours.

- foot is feeling better after incorporating stretches

- a co-workers son was in a car accident yesterday (the car rolled a few times after a whack-nut side swiped him).

- thought about what I should take with me to LA next week... but that's it, I am so unprepared....

That is it...

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