Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I'm in love.... sort of.

I went for a run today and saw a very attractive man running along the lake. I ran after him for a while but I had to stop after about 2 miles because I have exercise induced asthma and I was tired. When I got home I posted a message on Craigslist telling this mystery man that I thought I loved him (or at least I love his calves). I got one response from a guy who said he almost lost it when he saw my post, but I was there a few hours earlier than he was. I wonder if he has nice calves? Maybe I should ask him.

I've been looking for images of Rhinestones for my presentation on Thursday. I should really buckle down and get to it. I guess there's always tomorrow. Here's a picture of a tiara. I like tiaras.

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