Tuesday, April 11, 2006

WIFI is Back!

Could my life get any better??? well - I suppose if I were to find the man of my dreams, find a cure for world hunger and eliminate PMS altogether it could... but the chances of those things happening right now are slim. So I will celebrate the little things I have in my life.

I am currently sitting on the futon/sofa/bed in my yoga pants and sports bra contemplating walking to school. Today I have to buy coffee at Intelligentsia (it's two dollars off on Tuesday) and that's about it. Well, I do have to give a research presentation on Thursday which I haven't started yet - well not REALLY started, I've sort of started. I am eating a warm bulgur salad with feta, capers and dill (it's a Weight Watchers recipe which is pretty good!). Martha is on next... Joan Rivers is her guest - I might get sucked in.

We'll see.

Is it too early to start drinking beer? Maybe I could walk up by Wrigley Field and troll for men? Nah.... well maybe.

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