As I was walking home from my first day of work I came upon these sign language interpretive dancers. They were signing up a storm at the John Hancock Building (by the Cheesecake Factory).
TA ing went well...For the most part I just stood around and helped out. Tomorrow I get to show pictures of my own work.
At lunch time I got a call from Jamielee the Tour Guide Coordinator... I guess nobody got a replacement for me (although I told them a few months ago that I wouldn't be giving tours...), so I ended up giving an abbreviated Grad Tour... and I'll get paid for it too! I can always use more money.
Here's one reason I can use more money... Back in February I had a raised blemish on my chest cut off and tested to see if it was pre-cancerous (it wasn't). They sent me a bill (which insurance had paid part of..) and I paid the balance. Well, it turns out that there were some more charges that were not billed...so I owe $136.94. Now do I have that kind of money laying around? NO! So, if there's anyone around there who wants to send me a few bucks feel free. I have a Paypal Account if you prefer to send me cash that way.
Tonight is a new episode of How to Get the Guy, I'm looking forward to it.
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