Saturday, July 22, 2006


I stayed out way to late last night. We had a surprise party for Jeroen (he's the one who had the hanging grass piece) and a good time was had by all. There was karaoke, eating (Karolina made a great spread!) and a bit too much beer for me. I ended up sleeping in a bit and skipping my usual 7:30 ww meeting. I am going to go at 10:30 instead.

Today I should probably do some grocery shoping so I have a better set up food wise. I've been not eating as well as I should be and it's going to show up the next time I have to step on the scale. Since I am going to be working for Weight Watchers I've got to keep myself on track. I also need to take a nap and clean my apartment a bit.

That's it for now. Word out...(I can't take myself seriously saying things like that....)

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