I've been thinking about my artwork again and about how it really is all about me in some way or the other. I started thinking about one of my earliest rejections... that would be my running for Junior class vice president at Nathan Hale High School.
I lost to Linda Brown... I think I would have made a great Vice President... I was crushed... rejection is hard when you're 15 years old. I guess it's hard anytime, but I suppose if I'm going to be an artist I better get used to it.
Today was busy - I got most of the stuff done that I needed to. I went to Art Chicago this afternoon and introduced myself to Greg Kucera.... better start networking now. I saw work by Tim Roda and Drew Daly (both UW MFA Ceramics grads)... I really like their work.... maybe I'm partial to their work because I know them...
Tomorrow all I have to do is attach my exhibit list, print out a few business cards and look cute for the reception and karaoke!
I better go to bed soon.
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