Thursday, March 05, 2009

Hello Everyone.

I have a few more minutes this morning to devote to you....

I am going crazy... too many things to do, too little time. This working full time is bringing me down. I do appreciate having a job, it just gets in the way of artmaking sometimes.

I'm really looking forward to having my legs waxed on Saturday - they are getting pretty hairy. Not that it's uncomfortable - it's just unattractive.

Tonight is first Thursday (art walk).... do I go? Or do I go to the gym? If I were a good artist I would go to the Art Walk... maybe I don't mean "good" artist - I should say "more dedicated" artist.

Oh what I go through....

I'm also trying to work on a new artist statment written in third person... man, that's hard.

Okay, I better go... as I said, too much to do, too little time.

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