Sunday, August 01, 2010


Here I sit on a different sofa with a different dog...

I managed to run the 8k... it was hard.  I don't think I'm good at running in the warm weather...  My body hurts this morning but not quite as much as it did after the half marathon...

Yesterday afternoon one of my toenails fell off finally... now I only have two to go... 

I don't have much planned today... I was going to meet someone for lunch but they had to cancel.  I may go to my former ceramic instructors sale...  I should also hit Nordstrom one more time before the sale ends (but that probably won't happen)...

In a perfect world I would go to the studio, apply for things and then come home to a nice home cooked dinner.

Have I talked about my issue with Target yet?  They gave money to an organization that runs ads for a right-wing nutbag who is anti  gay marriage...  I don't know if I can shop there anymore... argh.. what's a girl to do.

This is Samantha - she's a nice dog...

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