Thursday, September 02, 2010

four score and three years ago today...

Three years ago today I made my way to New York to stalk Ann Curry... it was a fun time.  Back when I wasn't jaded by the art community in general.  I miss those days.

Tonight I may attempt to go to first Thursday although my previously mentioned jaded-ness is keeping me from it full throttle... there's one show I am going to go to which is near my office - we'll see how that goes and then judge whether or not I want to venture down to other shows.  I got my last rejection yesterday for all the things I've applied for....  I did apply for another ceramics thing (although I don't really work in it anymore)...  I am going to get something eventually....

Yesterday I realized that I was going to owe my dentist about a million dollars (okay, only 500 or so) so that definitely puts the kibosh on my plans of renting that house... unless I get a big fat raise in the next few weeks I won't be moving out anytime soon.  I try not to let it get me down but it's hard.  I go to a good school but I can't get into any shows and can't earn enough money to do things... sucks big time.

On that bright note - I think I will go get more coffee and nurture my wounded ego.

oh, and don't get me started on the lack of a lovelife....

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