Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A slow moving morning...

It's hard to move this morning.  The body just doesn't want to work that hard just yet.

Last night we had a pretty good wind storm - luckily I didn't lose power... the lights did flicker though a few times....

Yesterday I experienced some tragedy in my life.  I blew out the inner thigh of my jeans that I love so dearly.  I know from watching a million episodes of What Not to Wear that I can not repair them and wear them again...  I just need to throw them out.

On the agenda today is work (it's been busy), acupuncture and then I have to do some more putting away of things.  It's hard to put stuff away when I don't have a  lot of places to put things.  I need furniture... it will come eventually... I guess until I have some more money saved up I will continue to use a cardboard box as a nightstand....

and finally this morning...

My friend Brendan Codey just released an EP - I'm listening to it right now... you should download it here!

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