Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A good day

Yesterday turned out to be pretty good.

I went to visit my Dad and he's looked looked the best he has is a long time (I mean don't get me wrong - he doesn't necessarily look like my Dad - he had stubble and his clothing was not as put together as it could have been)...  but he was trying to get out of his wheelchair without help and seemed to have more strength than he has in a while...  I actually felt optimistic after I got done visiting him which puts my mind at ease a bit.  I pushed him around the health center for a bit and we chatted about my upcoming trip to LA.  Overall it was a good visit.

I am totally unprepared to go to LA tomorrow..... I always tell myself that I'm going to get my act together and apply for teaching jobs but I never do.  I've applied for a total of one.  I started another application last week... it's at the Evergreen State College - not that I would get it, but you never know... it is close and I could commute!  okay, I probably wouldn't commute, but you never know... 

I haven't even taken time to see what's going on when it comes to panel discussions and presentations...

I am looking forward to seeing my friends Corey and Eileen...  I  got an invitation to a reception for the Vermont Studio Center so hopefully we will go to that.  I guess tonight I will be frantically packing and trying to get my act together to get to the airport in the morning.

I can't believe I'm already four paragraphs in and I haven't gotten to my job... today is going to be busy.  We've got two new attorneys starting today and there is going to be a bunch of things that are going to need to be done..  I am going to be busy busy busy...

I think I should get a move on... 

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