Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Katniss Barbie

The heroine of the Hunger Games is Katniss.

They are making a Barbie out of her.  That's kind of cool.....  Kicking ass in a post-apocalyptic world...

I got the word yesterday that my big brother clothing shipped so I'm pretty excited about wearing new clothes on Friday....

I'm thinking I may take a few days off from the blog and see how it goes... knowing me I won't be able to not do it...   so, if I don't post tomorrow, don't worry (and don't send me emails through my website - too hard to retrieve those).....  I'll be back!

Tonight I am running to my Dad's place and retrieving the last of the things from it.... there's some framed prints and a chair...  hopefully I'll be able to fit it all in my car.  It will be good to see Dad.  It's been a few weeks since I've seen him.  I guess the day we moved his stuff out he was asleep the whole time... 

That's all I know today.  Be strong - I'll be back.

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