Friday, March 02, 2012

Things I saw last night that I liked...

Tim Roda at Greg Kucera

Just Because I'm a Girl at Punch Gallery - Sarah Haven

Gala Bent - The Geology of Longing at G. Gibson Gallery

There is also a series of little sculptures by Timea Tihanyi at Soil

I am glad I went out last night... a lot of ceramic things...  I also got to play with clay at Soil - it made my hands a little burny though...  oh allergies, how I love thee...

I am owly - so doing something out of the norm is good.  It just makes me want to make things though... I just need more time. 

The owly-ness comes from a place of sadness.  My dad is not doing so well and It stresses me out.  The stress makes me just want to eat those stupid susan cookies and take a lot of baths...

It's just life I know, but it's hard.  I shall get through it all...

Tomorrow I have an acupuncture/massage appointment.  I'll make sure she gets my sadness points (they do have those) when she pokes me.  Hopefully it will also help my foot - it's been better generally, but it still hurts.  I wish my body would just cooperate and heal...  the knee is pretty good - if just the foot would get getter... I have dreams of running again and it makes me cranky.

Tomorrow night I have a dinner date with my niece and my mom...  that should be fun too...

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