Monday, June 04, 2012

What I know today.

What do I know?

I know that my brother in law is running for Superior Court Judge in Thurston County.

here is a link to the facebook page for his campaign.

If you are one of my many followers (the two of you) you should check out his page and "like" the campaign.

I don't know much about the other candidates, but I do know my brother in law.  He's a smart guy and I would trust him to act fairly and impartially if I were to ever get in trouble...  But then again I WOULD NEVER GET IN TROUBLE.  I am an angel.

If any of you know anyone in Thurston County check it out. 

I am trying to get myself into gear for the coming week.  I have these exciting events on the horizon...


that's it....

I'm sorry I can't manage anything more exciting there for you.....

oh... one last note.  I got my hair done on Saturday and it looks really good.... I just thought you should know.

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