Saturday, July 06, 2013

The Sugar Experiment...

The past few days I have eaten a few sweets... I don't feel that hot and my tummy is not accepting the change that well... but it's part of camp.  I will go back on the wagon tomorrow.....

it's all part of the process...

I woke up at 4:45am in order to take the early shift at the lodge.  We give the campers an option to stay up all night in the lodge, but we need adult supervision... Since I'm an early bird I go to bed after the closing circle and then get up at the crack of dawn and clean up the lodge and drink coffee...  I've had about a half pot of coffee and three cupcakes.  Oh, and some girl scout cookies.

It's been a good week - I'm sort of looking forward to sleeping in my own bed tonight... a good 10 hours will be nice.  I don't have to teach tomorrow morning so I'm kind of excited about that.  Maybe I'll go to church...


I am a little sleep deprived so I'm not making much sense...

Dinner and shoes!

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