Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Things are looking up!

My first day back at work was not as traumatic as I thought it might be.

In fact it was almost uneventful... 

Here are a few highlights...

I didn't die when I taught my class (although I had a few issues)...
They are going to make an offer to my friend who interviewed for the position at my firm (yay).
I didn't overeat too much.
I looked stinking cute (this is normal).
A former camper of mine was featured in the newspaper and on the news (yay again).

So far, so good...

While I was at camp I decided to apply for a position at Bowling Green State University. It's a position in their Fine Art Department - Coordinator of Fine Arts Recruitment and Admission.  It seems right up my alley but you never know.  Could a big city gal make it in Ohio?  I'm sure I could... I figure I've been pooping around long enough with working in a non-art related field...  My inactivity in finding a job in the art world has been weighing on me long enough.  It's not that I'm planning on packing up and leaving what I'm doing now but I've got to look further on down the road.

So far, so good.

I think another cup of coffee is calling me...

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