Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Gratitude is hard...

The title of this post is misleading.

Gratitude is not really hard, sometimes it's just hard to think of things when you are sad... being grateful for being sad is interesting... I don't really know what I'm talking about...

I am doing okay today...  I got a photo from my mom this morning of Zoe... she is on meds now - I don't know what is wrong with her but at least she's still alive...  I left a message for my momma and haven't heard back from her yet.  That's a bit of a relief.

If 2013 was a challenging year, 2014 is turning into the year of change and transformation.

On Sunday (before the Seahawks kicked some Bronco backside) I went to church again.  It was nice to feel like part of a community... People remembered who I was and I saw a few people that I know from the outside world... (a woman whose kids I grew up with who was a member of my regular church)...  On my way to my cousins house after church - the map app took me past the Elementary School that my Dad taught at... I am pretty sure that's not a coincidence...

Another non coincidence was reading the Visitor packet from Findlay Street (the church) and them having an article on Mary's Place in the Newsletter. Mary's Place is the place where I donated all my old bras to last week... some might say these are just coincidences but I think there's a higher power thing going on.

Next week I'm off to Chicago for the College Art Association Conference.  After starting on my taxes I'm not sure that I should really be staying at the conference hotel but hey... what the heck... I am going to owe money this year because of my inheritance...  oh well. at least I have money in savings to pay the bill...

it will be good to see friends in Chicago and get my art fix. It will also be the one year anniversary of my father's death. Not sure how that will go, but at least I will be around friends and people who love me... I have a lot of tools to utilize now that will help me cope. I just have to keep breathing.

That's it this morning.... let's see what today has in store for me.

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