Saturday, July 12, 2014

Ch ch ch changes!

Here is what I know!

Yes, I did wake up before 4am and I am okay with the fact that I am turning into my mother.

I am slowly getting my act together to head to Vermont for my residency... along those lines I am going to be leaving the gym I currently teach at (Vision Quest/LA Fitness) and won't return when I get back. I was thinking that this would happen but it's official now. It's like the end of a relationship, you know it has to end but it's not until you actually pull the trigger that you know it's the right thing to do.

I will also be teaching more classes at Tricycle Fitness when I return. Okay, it's only going to be one more class for a total of two but that's nice. I will be able to spend more time on my personal life and artwork etc... I feel really good about it.

I've got a full plate today... I'm heading to ww this morning (I'm sure I've gained weight this week but that's okay...). I started eating wheat again (read cookies here...) and I am gaining weight again. I am still under my goal weight so that is just fine by me.  I'm not eating too much crap which is good. I can't eat too much crap as it doesn't make me feel good. I will then teach my combo cycle/TRX class. After class I will come back to my place and hopefully clean - yes, I know I always say I am going to do this but this time it's for real. I then have a therapy appointment and then a graduation party.

It promises to be a full day - full of fun and time with friends.

Tomorrow I am going to a TRX certification class at the Pro Club Seattle - I want to make sure I look cute - you never know who you might meet. However, I have been told that it will only be women in my class... BOOO!

Last weekend I went on a good date. We went to the driving range and then the pitch and putt golf course at Greenlake. There has even been talk of golfing again when I get back from my cross-country adventure.

I must admit I am feeling much better overall... life is much more even for me than it was earlier in the year. I am very appreciative for what has happened. Would I like to go through it again? Not really, but I think I'm much better equipped to deal with things now than I was... overall it's been good.

okay - I think that's it this morning... yeah, it's only 5:20am... I am sure I am going to crash at 4pm this afternoon... that's okay. I can always go to bed early if I wish...

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