Sunday, September 16, 2007

Room to move...

Well, I finally have a place to nest... Maria left this morning and should be on her way to Peru.

The first thing I did was clean a bit. Somehow the smell of Pine-sol does something for me... I know my mother will have a heart attack when she reads this but I actually know how to clean things. I went through and wiped down the wood floors in my new room and living room.. there was about a months worth of sand on the floors... (Maria likes to go to the beach.. who can blame her, she's cute!).

Today's agenda is as follows. I have to go to the studio and make my sign for Today Tomorrow (that sounds funny). Then I was thinking I'd go to Target and see if I can find a cheap bathing suit for swimming (IE clearance priced). Then I think I might actually go swimming...

Tonight the Emmy's are on. Since television is one of my favorite things this should be one of my favorite nights... it will be nice to see what people are wearing. Maybe Stacy London will be there (actually I know she will be, I saw it on Access Hollywood)!

Okay, I feel the need to get out and move. Yay!

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