Sunday, June 25, 2006


I currently have 999 hits to my blog. Could you be 1,000? If you are let me know and I may send you a prize of some sort.

Today I was on my way to Target when I decided to stop by a Weight Watchers meeting. It was a leader I'm not familiar with, her name is Dara. She has the patience of a saint (enough said). When I was done I met up with Karolina and we went up to Starbucks. I haven't seen her or Andrew in over a week which is strange. She rented a new apartment the other day... it sounds really nice. After Starbucks I went to Target and bought some frozen meals to take for lunch while I'm working. I also walked around the area where they are starting a new Weight Watchers Meeting. If they decide to hire me I might work up there. I walked past California Field where they have wheelchair softball... It was over so I didn't watch, but it might be fun sometime.

On the way home I walked down Broadway, they were cleaning up from the Pride Parade. It smelled like bar after a long night of excess I'm glad I didn't stick around for it.

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