Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I'm An Artist!

I just have to keep telling myself that sometimes. Today I went to the MCA and saw the Chris Ware and Wolfgang Tillmans shows. I like Chris Ware's work... but it requires reading which is not so easy... Wolfgang on the other hand was alright, but does he really warrant the whole first floor? I'm no critic, but I could have just seen half of the work and been fine. I must say however I do like to look at a boys pee pee every once in a while and I did get to do that. Once piece I did like was called Inner City Apple Tree, it followed a tree through the seasons from blossom to bearing fruit, to the losing of its leaves. It was poetic.

On my other blogmy friend Matt is making my life more interesting. You should check it out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funny, I was at the MCA at the same time, missed you apparently. But I thought the same thing about both of the shows. I love Chris Ware but had no patience for reading. And I was confused over the Tillmans.