Saturday, November 25, 2006

Who needs sleep?

It's not even 5am and I'm wide awake. I guess I'm turning into my mother. Which is a good thing (I heart my mom).

I'm supposed to come up with a description of the piece I'm doing for WHYNOGETAWAY show which opens on the 8th. It's supposed to cover my process and thoughts about my piece... I find it really hard to verbalize what I do sometimes.

This piece is text based and is transcriptions from notebooks and letters onto coffee filters that have been processed (stained with coffee in this case). I feel that there is a certain honesty (authenticity?) about this piece that hasn't really been in most of my other work. It also is fairly colorless which is a big switch for me. I spent over six hours in the studio yesterday... it felt really good to do.

Today Karolina and I are meeting up after my WW meeting and we're going to Target, the Dollar Tree and JoAnn's. I might fork over some money for another pair of jeans... they're on sale at Target AND my ass looks good in them (my firm bun and thigh campaign is coming along fine.).

I also have to check in on Miucca (Julie's cat).... Then we're going to the studio.

I better just get going and make some coffee and work on my description.

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