Friday, May 09, 2008

Someone at work googled me...

And I don't mean Google in the way I use the term in my artwork... (some of you will know what I'm talking about). Someone actually spent a bit of time here at the Rant...

I wonder if this person will actually tell me they're looking at the blog... If they dig deep enough they might find out all the dirt on me - like my obsession with rotisserie chicken and my desire to find the cutest pair of shoes that doesn't hurt my feet.

Speaking of shoes, I fell down on the way to work yesterday and skinned the top of my foot. I also hurt my cute gold pointy-toed shoes...

I may have to make a date with my chiropractor being that I landed pretty hard on my left side and my body is a bit sore (or is that because of my desire to attain a firm mid-section?)... I don't exactly know, but I do know I hurt.

Next subject... I got my economic stimulus check deposited in the bank today... I'm going to stimulate the economy by getting a massage tomorrow and then putting the rest in savings. I enjoy being stimulated... hmmmmm.... yes I do.

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