Friday, September 05, 2008

The storm is over...

I can't decide how I'm feeling this morning. I have a few things left to do before I go down to sit this afternoon. I have to burn my dvd and reprint the press release. I am also supposed to stop by school.

The worst of the rain is over but I didn't bring the right attire to deal with the aftermath. I think I've dried out - last night I took a bath before bed... I do like my baths. It did the trick to warm me up. I ended up going to Elephant and Castle for dinner, it's in my hotel. I had a nice bowl of French Onion soup and salad... If it hadn't been raining out I would have gone to Jewell of Dominick's and bought dinner there.

I think the best news today is that I managed to brew a full cup of coffee and it doesn't taste too bad.

I have to remember to call the gym today and sign up for cycling class on Monday night. It will be the only one of the two times I get to go in the next two weeks.

I suppose I should make another cup of coffee and think about getting ready.

More to come later.

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