Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Crampy gassy bundle of love.

The title of this post explains it all... I'm feeling a bit rough this morning (do you like that term?)

Let me see what I've got for you this morning... yesterday I went to our harassment seminar. I ate far too much and did sort of learn what constitutes harassment.... lunch was pretty good - I managed to score of bunch of baby bel cheeses and some apples.

Last night I got a new hairdo - kind of shorter and more Survivor - esque if you ask me. I also picked up a new purse that is giraffe patterned.

Before the haircut....

What we were going for...

The end result...

I think it's pretty close... I usually have raccoon eyes by the time I get to my hair appointment... so I apologize for that.

I think I might head to the showers now... I'm feeling gooey inside.

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