Monday, March 23, 2009

My name is Jennifer and I'm a Wii addict.

Did I mention that I found a Wii Fit on Saturday and I've become obsessed? It's worried about me because I've lost 2.5 pounds since Saturday night. What it doesn't realize is that this last time that I did a body test I had an empty bladder and stomach and the first time I weighed in I had a belly full of spaghetti.

I'm going to have to figure out how to balance the Wii and blogging in the morning...

Here are some random photos....

the moisture on my car window yesterday....

Stinky after she got back from the vet the other day.... She's zonked out.

My toes before the pedicure....

And after..... aren't they beautiful???

I have to go now... more later.

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