Yesterday I was feeling all weepy, sad, out of sorts.... I think it may be PMS and stress about getting those images emailed... Now I just have to work on my statement.
I think I'm also worried about money a bit... I'm beginning to feel the squeeze... I may have to give up my waxing regimen soon... maybe if I could just stop eating things would be better... but then I'd have to buy smaller clothes and who can afford that?
Here's a photo of me and James from Miami....
I posted some of these on Facebook on the Artstar Page. The photos were on Old Crusty (she sure is slow...) but she'll always be the first laptop in my heart.
I have to save my pennies and get a firewire cord to transfer things from Old Crusty to Crusty II before she kicks the bucket.
Today at work I get to pack up a bunch of boxes to be shipped to Hawaii. I have to wear my elbow brace so I don't stress out my arm too much.
Oh, did I tell you the title of my show yet? it's called has been:becoming. I think it's a good title... I think that's one of my strong points... I usually come up with pretty good titles...
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