Monday, June 01, 2009

Bad night (sort of)...

I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. I got a bit worried about the show... but this morning as I was slipping in and out of consciousness I decided to put in a piece that I already showed in Chicago but haven't shown here...

I think I was fearful that my show was going to be too heavy handed but with this piece I think it will lighten it up. It will all be okay...

On Friday we had a go over of our new payroll system. It wasn't as exciting as I thought it would be... people got their panties in a wad because they thought that they were going to have to punch in and out... we don't have to.

Happy June 1st. We're almost half way through the year (can you believe it?). I can't.

This is my foot on a piece of etched glass.

Stinky is sleeping next to me - she's snoring. It's kind of cute. I think I'll pack it in now... Maybe I'll sleep better tonight.

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