Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The day in review.

Me and KG!

Rose Garden.

The photos above are from my trip yesterday. I had a really good time. Why I don't go to Portland more often I don't know why. It's not that far...

It was really good to see Karolina. We walked a ton and got caught up on everything... nothing too earth shattering it's just nice to see someone you really miss and haven't seen in a long time. (Insert happy/frowny face here).

I really like Portland... I could see myself living there I think... not that I'm planning on moving... but you never know.

I managed to leave the house by 7:20 and made it to Portland a little after 11. I stopped in Tumwater for coffee... it was good to see Shirley too... although I see her more often.

Last night I left around 7 and made it home by 10:30. I sure like driving a card with leather seats and cruise control.... maybe my Dad won't notice if I don't return the car....

Today let's see... it's all downhill from here. Momma is having the Lion's Club over for a barbecue... and I have to return the car. I think I should get it washed and fill it up with gas before I do so...

I guess I should move now... more later maybe...

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