Monday, July 13, 2009

I think I pulled a hammy...

Reminder.... don't take six weeks off of body sculpt class and expect to not hurt yourself.

Ouch! My left hammy hurts.

I was approached by the coordinator for the classes at the gym tonight and it looks like I am going to be teaching cycle... you know what this means. I GET TO USE A MICROPHONE WHILE I WORK OUT! As those of you who have ever been around me when I karaoke or am on the PA system at camp will know that I love microphones.... hopefully I won't say anything inappropriate while I'm on the bike.

What else.... next Monday I'm going to take the day off and visit Karolina who will be in Portland! yippee! I have things to look forward to now!

I'll wait for my other news tomorrow morning... I have to get back to watching Intervention now.

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