Tuesday, November 24, 2009

only 60 posts to go...

Only 60 to go until I hit 2,000.... maybe if I double duty it I can get it done by the year end.

I am up a little early today because my hip is bugging me a bit.. and sometimes it just hurts to be horizontal. I'm looking forward to my massage and candling appointment on Saturday - maybe I can get rid of some of this tightness in my lower back.

Yesterday was a full day. It was busy at work and then at the gym I ended up subbing cycle at the last minute. That's alright... it's a good thing I keep my playlists and routines with me when I'm there... three days in a row cycling... that's almost enough money to pay for my appointment.

I am still thinking about all those cute things I'm going to be able to wear once I get my (this sentence removed by the clothing party police)

Oh yes, the cycle class I'm subbing on Wednesday contains Mr. Arms. Maybe I'll talk to him.

I am finally going to get my camera back from Matt. He's had it almost two months... I've been thinking about filming things but I haven't been able to... Maybe I'll break it out this weekend. What am I going to do with four days off???

Well, I do know I'm going to be watching dogs, getting a massage, sitting at Crawl Space for one last time, and teaching... maybe I'll throw in a bit of shopping - even though I don't have any money right now...

I'll figure something else to do...

I guess I should go. I've got some laundry going and I've got more coffee to drink.

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