Thursday, February 18, 2010

I can't move.

Last night I did a Zumba Class last night and I can't really move today... It's an aerobics class based on latin dance... it's sort of fun even though I ended up looking a bit awkward... that's alright. It's a big hit everywhere it goes... It sort of a cult thing... but that's okay too...

I am sitting here trying to type but Zoe is crawling all over me... oh good, now she's settled down...

I have no idea what's happening today... work, work and more work... I think there are openings tonight at Greg Kucera and Lawrimore Project... since I'm back in the art thing maybe I should go to them.... I'll have to investigate...

Here's another one of those windows from the American Girl store in Chicago...

Okay - I was trying to get a shot of the horse running outside the video window...

I think I'm going to wrap things up here...

Have a good day.

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