Sunday, April 25, 2010

Running for the doughnuts...

I am sitting here getting caffeinated before the doughnut dash... I'm thinking that I will probably head over there early and walk to the start line from across the lake.  A few weeks ago I bough a band for my knee but I seem to have lost it.  That sort of sucks. Maybe I'll stop by Fred Meyer before hand and see if I can buy another one... 

After the run I am skyping with Jen and then going to the studio... twice in one weekend... it's a record.

Yesterday I accidentally spilled sumi ink on my laptop... good thing it wasn't india ink... sumi ink is water soluble.... I also splashed it on my studio wall...

Um um um.... it's supposed to be nice today... woot woot woot... gosh - I'm in a good mood!

Here's the birthday cake I had on Wednesday... I don't think I ever uploaded a picture of it...

it was really yummy... did I mention that I didn't gain any weight when I weighed in yesterday?  It was a birthday miracle...

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