Saturday, June 19, 2010

Someday soon I will sleep in.

I am hoping to sleep in sometime soon... I might be able to next Friday - I"m taking the day off before the Marathon to go pick up my stuff at the expo.  I'm still not sure this is a good idea.  I have an appointment with my chiropractor on Tuesday - he'll tell me whether or not I should do it.  I want to do it just to prove that I can... I hope my semi-injuries don't hinder it.

This afternoon I"m getting my hair fixed... I can't believe it's already time to get it done... time just flies by.  Before you know it I'll be dead.  I was also invited to a patio party in Bellingham.  If I get done in a reasonable amount of time I will drive up there...

I guess that's all I have this morning...

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