Friday, July 02, 2010

Feels good.

I am feeling better this morning... I had a massage last night and I'm feeling a bit more fluid... I actually didn't wince when I got up this morning.

Yesterday I bought a very nice orchid at Whole Foods during lunch... her name is Iris 3.

She is not in focus but you get the idea.  She's in a nice recycled glass vase...  I love her.

This weekend should be pretty low key... ww, cycle, relaxing, then Sunday I am going to go to the cabin owned my my brother in law and sister... they always have a 4th of July outing but this is only the second time I've been there (they've been together for a long time)...  I was always either at camp or my sister would guilt me into staying at home with her pets (not what I consider a good time... - I would have like to have been included...)... well, this year I invited myself.  I am going to head over Sunday morning and then spend the night and come back on Monday (I teach monday night...).

Only one week and I will be heading to camp.... I'm looking forward to it... a time to recharge, relax and get my mind back in order... hooray!  we will also be screen printing t-shirts and making friendship bracelets!  woo hoo.... 

Okay, It's time for more coffee... let's get to it!

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