Saturday, September 04, 2010

Things are going to change.

I have decided to be more positive because my negative attitude is bringing me down....  It can't hurt can it?  I don't think so.

I am feeling pretty good about this weekend.  I'm going to take my new found attitude and go to the studio and I'm getting a massage today.  It's been a long time since my last massage and I'm looking forward to it.  I am going to enjoy every minute of it!

See - I'm feeling better about everything just by having a positive attitude.  I started with the positivity yesterday afternoon  and my foot stopped hurting... coincidence?  I don't think so...

Just a few more minutes and I am going to head out to ww.  I am looking forward to it.... even if I'm not down in weight that will be alright because I am feeling good... 

Yesterday I also got my big brother clothing... boy, do I look cute in everything...  now I just need to go out and wear something somewhere!..
okay, I need to get a move on... another report later...


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