Sunday, November 14, 2010

It takes a lot.

It takes a lot of money and time to move...

Yesterday I did the usual things... ww (I was down), coffee with the group, and then cycle... then I got the armpits waxed and legs done.  I also tried to get my emissions checked on my car but I was a half an hour too late.... oh well.  I guess I will try again this week.

Yesterday afternoon I did some organizing and went to the grocery store - where I saw this...

Just what you need - ping pong balls near your beer - for all your beer pong needs.

On my shopping trip I also bought some items for my new place.... a new lock for my storage unit, a light bulb for my lamp and a pepper grinder - woot woot....

I also checked my comcast invoice (YIKES)... it's going to be more this month because of the installation but I expected that...  oh well - it's the price I pay to be wired...

This morning I am enjoying my coffee and my Sunday paper... I'm getting it delivered.... things are looking good.

I will really try to take some photos today of the neighborhood...

Gotta go check out the ads in the newspaper...

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