Sunday, December 19, 2010

Freaking stinking tired and a little bit stuffed...

I have eaten my way through the weekend.  I don't even want to step on the scale. 

Last night I went to my oldest friends house for a wine tasting party.  I don't really drink wine but I had some anyway... not too bad.... I ate way too much.  She made a beef tenderloin that would kick any other tenderloins ass...  yummy.

Yesterday I had my second birthday lunch with my dad... I had a steak and blue cheese salad...  today I am going to my third and final lunch/thing at the Costal Kitchen...

A busy weekend turns into a busy week...  okay, maybe it won't be that busy of a week... work will probably be slow but I am teaching Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night... money money money... the Tuesday night class will make up for the not teaching on Christmas... although if the gym was open I would be teaching...

It's time to start thinking about new years resolutions...  hmmmm... ran a half marathon already... maybe I'll ask Arms out (that is assuming he's not gay).... maybe I'll get out more often.  Stay out after 9pm at least once a month... 

I am really tired.... maybe I'll take a nap later on this afternoon... that seems like it would be a great idea...

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