Sunday, January 23, 2011


I am so stinking sore this morning.

Yesterday I took a core class (for those of you not in the know that is a class that exercises your core muscles)...  I am sore this morning!  I am having a hard time moving around but I will get up off the sofa soon and go teach.  After that I am supposed to go running with a friend of mine.  We have decided to run the rock and roll half this year.  aye aye aye...

I didn't get everything done I wanted to - so this afternoon I will be working on resizing images for my New York trip.

I am happy to report that I only gained 2 pounds last week.  I know, you're probably thinking two pounds?  what? only two pounds?  Yes, only two pounds.  I could have gained 5.

Okay, I have to get moving.  I slept in until 7:30 this morning and I don't have a lot of free time.

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