Monday, October 17, 2011

Back to the Grindstone...

I'm not a big complainer... okay, I am - but this time it's justified...

I was informed yesterday that they are cancelling classes at the gym on Halloween night, the week between Christmas and New Years - what do they think?  people don't want to exercise or Zumba during the holidays?

Now I know why people don't like gyms sometimes... it's stupid.

If the powers that be ever did any research I would probably be fired for all this complaining, but I miss the old days.  I overheard someone at the front desk telling a long time member that the old gym owner didn't know how to do business and that was why the long time member had to twice as much a month as her friend that just joined...

Not everyone likes personal training... maybe I should just take up something else...

it's not fun to work for money-grubbing a$$ holes.....

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