Friday, March 15, 2013

Need more pep.

I was asked if I could be a little more peppy when I teach at 6am.

No comment.

It's 6am.  I'm almost 46 years old!

I said I would try...  this is where I differ from some other fitness instructors... I am a normal human being.  I  have an innate need to be asleep at 6am (or at least on the sofa drinking coffee).  It's going against nature to be overtly peppy all the time... I suppose if I took "supplements" or drank energy drinks I might have more pep but I'd be wired... I don't like feeling that way.

As I said before - I said I would try.  More pep and talk more.  I feel like I'm talking all the time.


Perhaps my schedule is catching up with me... 

I need a benefactor.

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