Saturday, April 06, 2013


I am happy to report that I weighed in at goal this morning and I am going to stuff my face at Spud this afternoon.  (for those of you know don't know Spud is a fish and chip place)...

I have a coupon that expires today so I am going to use it.

What else do I know?  I walked around Greenlake this morning with my friend Ken.  After the walk we hit up Super Jock and Jill to look at running related gear and then we stopped to get coffee.  We ran into my friend Pat while I was there (no, I didn't knock her down)...

It's nice to get out and do things on the weekend besides just hitting up my ww meeting and the gym.  Who knows... maybe things will start to change - no, I take that back, things ARE starting to change... I feel things are brewing...

My list of things to do this weekend are to work on a GAP grant application for Artist Trust - it's due the 15th.  If I were to get a fair amount of it done this weekend that would be good.  I have to start writing about my "jenerartorroadtrip" soon... need to start figuring out how much money I am going to need to take six weeks off to drive across the country and determine what equipment I will need... then I can come up with a budget and write a proposal.

I also need to do laundry (what else is new?)..

I vacuumed my living room so that's a start to cleaning.  I'm actually not in too bad of shape when it comes to the cleanliness of my place.

I think that's all I need to share today... I have to go get some fish and chips!

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