Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Gratitude December 27, 2016

1. I am grateful for only having to work today from 10 - 2.
2. I am grateful for naps on the sofa before I go to bed and after I wake up!
3. I am grateful for sleeping over 7 hours last night without the use of any supplements (natural or chemical).
4. I am grateful for spending time with my mom and the dog over the past few days - connection is important right now.
5. I am grateful for The Hallmark Channel (still).
6. I am grateful for the list of things I am going to do today which I will compile while at work. (dishes and laundry are on the list... also changing the lightbulb in my kitchen).

7. I am grateful that I get to hear my friend Kelsey Peterson preach at church on Sunday. I am hoping I will see a lot of camp friends there. It will be good to be together!

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