Saturday, September 15, 2007

I think I'll make pesto...

do I know how to make it? No... but I bought some basil at the farmers market yesterday... better yet, I should make bruscetta. It's better for me than pesto....

I ended up sleeping over nine hours. I've been exhausted recently... my body is beginning to hurt - I wish I could afford to go to a gym and work out... I think it's the loss of muscle tone that's' leading to the aches.

I'm sitting here with my coffee watching the Today Show... it's nice to be able to watch it once in a while and not be on it.

Today in addition to the possibility of making food (it's a never ending topic for me...) I may go to Target and look for a top to wear to the Martha Stewart show on Tuesday. I think the studio where they film is just a short walk from my apartment. I want to look good for my appearance... maybe I should get some teeth whitening strips too! I don't want my teeth to look dingy.

Adjusting to New York has been different... I know a few people but I'm not one to really go out and socialize. I should try to do it... but inside I really don't. I like being a hermit. A hermit that loves to watch television.

Okay, here's a funny story... yesterday I was in the crowd at the Today show and a woman was there from Chicago. She had said to her friend that I was from Chicago.... but she didn't know where... we got to talking and it turns out that she remembers me from Weight Watchers... either from a meeting or from me working at reception. Now that's a small world.

Speaking of WW - yesterday should have been payday but I didn't get paid... it's like pulling teeth to get a paycheck... I'm having my mother send me my pay stub from last time so I can figure out what I have and haven't been paid for. It almost makes me want to eat.

Well, I should start to think about moving soon... Maybe I'll meet my future husband today... maybe I'll find a check for a million dollars!!! Maybe I'll find the perfect top...

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