Sunday, December 23, 2007

I'm here, really.

I realized that I didn't post yesterday and some of you may think that something happened to me.

No. I'm still around, just a bit disorganized (okay maybe disorganized is not the word...)...

You would be proud of me... I actually went out and saw a movie with my friend Margie on Friday. I saw Sweeney Todd. It's a bit gory but that Johnny Depp sure is cute even when he's wielding a razor.

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I guess that means that I should start doing some Christmas shopping for my family. It's hard to buy things when you haven't been around them for a few years... I found the other day while I was looking at things that I would much rather be buying things for myself.

I was supposed to go to my best friends house tomorrow afternoon, but she has pneumonia and the flu so that's out of the question. It's off to my sisters house for prime rib (yummy) and then my other sisters house on Christmas day for tamales and ham... (yummy, yummy).

Did I happen to mention that I have a job the day after Christmas? Someone is impressed enough with my skills that they're willing to let me answer their phones.

Yesterday I worked at a wedding washing dishes... not that bad a job... they pay is good and the hours short...

I think I'm just rambling now... after Christmas is over I have to get back to the work of being an artist... I've got to start working on grant applications and applying for shows... I should just enjoy myself right now...

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