Friday, February 08, 2008

Outerwear and the Northwest.

I have become an outerwear snob. I have noticed that far too many people in the pacific northwest think that a ski parka is a suitable replacement for a coat when you're wearing a dress. You all look like schlubs! Stacy London would have a field day here in the city. I just want to have one big intervention and rid us of this problem once and for all.

Last night I went to first Thursday... I'll have a report later. I've almost been too busy this week. I will probably collapse on the sofa tonight when I get home.

This weekend I need to work on my gap application and get stuff put together for the Crawl Space website.

Now that I have a new job I'll have to start thinking about finding some space to make artwork - there's just not enough room in the dining room anymore.


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