Monday, August 04, 2008

I have a friend...

I got a comment from someone named Tricia re: her case of pityriasis rosea... it seems that her case is a lot more itchy than mine is... I think mine may be fading... It's still unsightly but it's not as scaly and red as it was.

Did I tell you that I went to a boot camp demo yesterday afternoon? Let me just say that my legs aren't feeling so refreshed this morning.

ooh ooh ooh! The Olympics start on Friday! I love the Olympics! not as much as I used to but I do enjoy watching gymnastics and swimming... I used to dream of becoming an Olympic athlete but that dream died along time ago when I realized that I wasn't that coordinated and I wasn't that talented.

Oh well, I guess I will just have to settle with being an artist.

On the subject of me not having a place to stay in Chicago, I did get a message from my ex-ww leader and she said I could stay with her in Oak Park (they have a Whole Foods in Oak Park... and the Frank Lloyd Wright house and studio). It's nice to know I won't be an orphan... I am still a bit worried about getting things installed and scheduling someone to sit on the weekends I'm not there.

I guess I should quit worrying... things will work out. Right?

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