Friday, February 26, 2010

It's here...

For all of you that are interested this is what I look like when I wake up in the morning... yes, I wake up with a wiener dog on my shoulder...

Friday - yes, finally.. it's here.

I am completely wiped out... Work was incredibly busy... today won't be much better...

The good news is that it's payday... and it IS Friday...

I feel like these weeks posts have all been the same. Me being tired...

Last night I skipped the gym and went shopping for matching mugs for work. We have a big meeting and we need things to match... I also have to stop and get bagels on the way - so I can't stay too long.

No happy hour for me tonight - we had to reschedule... I am going to lunch with people though... if work isn't too busy.

I need an overhaul...

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